
January K-3 Title 1 News


Happy New Year! I look forward to the year 2021 and all the memories it has in store.


Mid-year testing is complete! The Response to Intervention (RtI) team will meet to go over the data soon. This will determine if current Title students need to continue to receive extra support or not. Furthermore, we will provide services to any newly identified student that can benefit by receiving extra support they did not have before. 


For students that I work with for reading, I really appreciate your support at home with having them do their ‘Book Bag’. I have seen more growth in the students that do them verses those that don’t. Practice, practice, practice. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” -Joseph Addison



Some things you can do at home to help your child: Continue to read to and listen to them read. Practice sight words and letter/letter sounds nightly. Practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. When they know their mathematical facts, it helps them in every aspect of math. 2nd grade work on identifying and counting coins at home!


Math Tips:

Practice counting. Not only can you practice counting by ones, you can practice skip counting (by twos, threes, fives, tens etc.)


Make it real. Use real world items to represent amounts (coins, pasta, buttons, etc.)


Practice reading, writing and ordering numbers. Find numbers in print (magazine, books, online) read them aloud, compare them, write them in order from least to greatest or greatest to least.


Money! For younger children, practice identifying and counting money. As they get older, let your child pay for items or count out change. Play games that require the use of play money, have older children be the banker.


Practice basic math facts. Knowing basic facts allows children to focus more on problem solving than computation.

😊 Mrs. T ashley.tietz@k12.nd.us