
Center-Stanton Public School is blessed with a tremendous food service program led by a few of the finest in the region! We are proud of our Lunch Heros - Cassandra, Dinah and Allison! These ladies go above and beyond every day of the school year! Not only are they starting by 5:00 am each morning prepping the days meals and meeting the requirements for school nutrition; they are rocking it with their smiles and attitudes of serving others!

The lunch lady heroes pack lunches for a few of our sport teams if they leave early before lunch, pack lunches for our field trip classes before their adventures, and providing the meal and services for special programs in the evenings like awards nights and programs! And at the same time - continue to prep nutritious breakfast and deliciously nutritious lunches for all the students and staff at Center-Stanton!

They go ABOVE & BEYOND each and every day - and are truly HEROES in all of our minds and much appreciated!

Cassandra DuMond - Food Service Director - Thank you, Cassandra!


Dinah Hilliard - Assistant Food Service Director - Thank you, Dinah!


Allison Buchholz-Casson - Kitchen Assistant - Thank you, Allison!
